Acupuncture for weight control is one of the more effective methods that help individuals with excess weight to reduce their body fat successfully. If combine acupuncture treatment with Chinese herbal therapy, both your body and your mind will be stimulated. Not only the digestion will improve but appetite tends to diminish as well as cravings for food. According to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), liver and spleen problems can cause excessive weight gain.
In five-element theory, the spleen is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system, ensuring that the food we eat is transformed into Qi — the vital substance of life. Disharmony of the spleen will have symptoms such as fatigue, slow metabolism, water retention, loose stool, and feeling of heaviness.
The liver’s job is to keep the flow of your body’s Qi and blood (as well as your emotions) running smoothly. Our modern, fast-paced lifestyle and chronic stress can negatively impact the liver’s ability to function properly and smoothly, which, in turn, can cause the spleen and the whole digestive system to function poorly and decrease your metabolism. Liver disharmony can also cause some of the “triggers” that lead to cravings and compulsive eating.
From a TCM perspective, the acupuncture points, foods and herbs that are chosen to assist with weight loss directly influence the Qi of the spleen and liver systems to treat the root imbalances that are causing the weight gain. As an acupuncturist stimulates acupuncture points on liver and spleen meridians it helps tune up work of your internal organs which in return positively affects digestive and endocrine systems.
From a Western perspective, acupuncture and TCM have been shown to have an effect on the function of the nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, food cravings, and metabolism. All of which can help to energize the body, maximize the absorption of nutrients, regulate elimination, control overeating, suppress the appetite, and reduce anxiety.