Menopause is the point at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases, indicating the end of fertility. It is a natural progression in life, and despite its many annoying or even debilitating symptoms, not a disease. For most women, hormone production begins to slow down when they reach their thirties and continuous to diminish as they age. During this period of “perimenopause” few women have any symptoms, although for some, brief intervals of anxiety, heart palpitations dry skin, fatigue, decreased interest in sex, insomnia and irritability, may occur. On the threshold of actual menopause, the complete cessation menstruation for at least 12 months, these symptoms may increase in frequency and intensity. Hot flushes, night sweats, bouts of anxiety, depression, as well as insomnia and mood swings are probably the most frequent complaints during this time. Western medicine treats these symptoms primarily as arising from a hormone deficiency and tries to alleviate them by supplying the missing estrogens. This, however, is ultimately not really helpful, as it not only interferes with the body’s attempts at finding its own, new hormonal balance, but can bring about a cascade of side-effects that can result in serious disease. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine with its ultimate goal of harmony and balance, offer a simpler, safer, yet highly effective approach to these symptoms, especially excessive sweating, insomnia and anxiety. Furthermore, by stimulating the body to regain its balance within these new and greatly altered hormonal levels, Chinese medicine can help women to not only move through this transition with ease, but also to maintain a high level of overall health.